
Liberty Clipping part 5

Here is part 5 in the Liberty Clipping series with my horse Mercury. This horse used to rear and strike at the clippers. I have done extensive work with Carolyn Resnick's Waterhole Rituals and Liberty work. I am also using food association and reward to positively reinforce the experience. It is allowing us to gradually over come the fear and dislike of the clippers without restraint or force. I have been working with him here and there over the course of about 6 months. We have made great progress!


The Hybrid Sidepull Bridle

Here is a video description of the unique hybrid design Side Pull from Buckaroo leather. I talk about why you might choose it and how it works.
To purchase this bridle and see more bitless options go to http://fdhorsetraining.com/Bridleshop...