
Half circle pattern

Here is a nice pattern to work on balance, bend and transitions with your horse. Your circle can be from 15-20 meters (45-60ish ft). At each half (use the same spot each time to do the transitions, cones or dressage letters are helpful) you are going to do a transition. A transition can be a halt to walk, walk to trot, trot to canter, to halt, to trot etc. or any combination there of. Your goal is to change in the same spots each time and keep your horses' body on and as close to the shape of the circle. You are also trying to keep your circle as consistent is shape and size as possible. This is good for Energetic and low energy horses alike. If your horse goes way off the circle, leg yield him back to it or if he can't do that yet, guide him back to the circle until he understands the pattern. A nice progression to start with is energetic walk-halt-walk until it's easy. Then trot to walk to trot until easy and so on. If you have a very energetic horse you can use quarter circle transitions. Move on to canter when you feel the others a easy. More advanced riders can do lengthen stride to collected stride or trot or canters to halt. Have fun and let me know how it goes!
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