I'm pleased to say this is a basically correct pair. The points to consider are highlighted in red and yellow so you can see them clearly. The red lines indicate where a correction is needed. Lashea needs to pick her chin up so her ear will come in alignment with that yellow line. She has a very nice shoulder, hip, heel alignment, but this small displacement of her head will pull her forward and off her seat bones. This will also make it difficult to see where you are going next whether jumping or riding accurate dressage figures. This is a common fault and even I am guilty once in a while. I have also red lined Clouds profile for being slightly behind the vertical, Although he looks very nicely connected to the bit. You can see that she has a basically straight line from elbow to bit. I would like to see her hands more upright so her thumbs are at the top of her hands. This creates a better connection to the bit. Sometimes horses will get behind the vertical during a half halt which is totally acceptable because after you ride forward they usually come up and out in their head carriage. Also, some horses want to ride slightly behind in their frame by nature and conformation or due to lack of fitness. Very nice!
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