
LLM: Lateral work and Leg Yield: Mounted phase

A series showing the progression through all the elements of lateral work and Leg Yielding in a fun, creative way. This 3rd video shows the Previous Liberty and line exercises practiced while mounted. If you are doing well with these you can progress to the trot or just try it for fun. You can always go back to the walk if it is to hard. Have fun!


  1. One of my horses is very responsive to when I ask her to side pass on the ground by touching her side (she will usually move if I just point to her side). When I am on her back, however, she won't budge. Am I doing something to cofuse her or do I just need to work on it more when I am mounted?

    1. Hi Sarah
      Well that depends on how you are asking and I haven't seen you ride so I cannot clarify on that (Video Coach?) How much have you worked on it mounted? Are you starting on the side that is easier for her and rewarding the slightest effort?

  2. Hi Farah
    I did start on the side that was easier for her and am trying to be sure to reward her slightest effort, but usually she just stands there and sort of goes to sleep while my leg gets very tired of putting pressure on her side! I generally work on it twice a week for about 5 or 10 minutes. I hope to do the Video Coach in few weeks so we can save that question for later.
    Thank you for the help!

    1. Hi Sarah
      Yes I think a Skype/phone Video Coach would be the best way I could help you further. I'll look forward to working with you :)
