
Using the Liberty Rein and Bitless Bridle

This week I wanted to show how you can use my Liberty Rein and My Bitless Bridle together while riding or for Ground Play. You don't have to ride Bridless the try it out and play on your own.

I like to give the horse the freedom of his head by using the Liberty rein. I start by getting us both used the feel of each piece of equipment on the ground and then working gradually toward the Liberty rein by riding with less and less contact on the Bridle rein (you could also do this with a bitted bridle) and communicating more with the body and the Liberty rein.

The Liberty rein talks to the horse in a different way. It really makes you have to think about your communication. If my horse and I are well prepared, it is quite amazing how well we can do together as the video shows. If you want to practice simpler versions of these exercises, substitute walk, to halt, trot to walk, trot to halt. If you are doing, well canter to trot or walk is a good one. Work on the same pattern and see what you can do. Take your time, don't be in a rush and know your own limitations and safety.
If you'd like to purchase my Bitless Bridle go here: